My name is April Brown.  My husband and I reside in Wasilla, Alaska.  We are a retired military family. We have three children, two of which are in their mid twenties. I’ve had a career in early childcare for thirty years and currently own four childcare centers throughout Alaska.  Family is extremely important to me. Some traditions in our family include a family game night and dinner monthly.  My husband and I enjoy boating on Big Lake.  We are new to boating and intend to put our boat in Kachemak Bay this summer for the first time.  We spend a week on Halibut Cove island off the coast of Homer every year and our boating goals are to be able to boat there ourselves instead of hiring a water taxi every year to get around the bay. 

My first introduction to loving art was when I was a child my father bought an expensive oil painting of a galleon ship on the ocean.  I loved the texture of the paint and the swirling shades of blue and green that made up the ocean.  I collect huge wooden ships that remind me of that painting.  While stationed in Germany with my family we visited France across the boarder from Germany several times.  I went to the Louvre several times while in Paris and absolutely fell in love.  My favorite piece of art there was a floor to ceiling painting of the queen of England being crowned.  I recently bought a Debra Down 3D glass piece of art that is absolutely stunning.  I could look at it for hours.  When light shines through it my eyes are drawn to wherever it is in the room.  There is a piece of art that really drew my eye from just a picture of it.  It was a sculpture of a woman with a veil over her face.  It’s called The Veiled Virgin. The veil part was what I loved about it.  I couldn’t believe how the sculpture was able to make the veil look like fabric over the face.  


Workshop, Yellow Owl, et al. “Exquisite 19th-Century Sculpture Cloaked in a ‘Translucent’ Marble Veil.” My Modern Met, 10 June 2019, 


  1. That glass art piece is beautiful! It has such a bright, warm feeling. I love that every time I look, I find more insects and animals. There's always something new to look at!

  2. "The Veiled Virgin" is exquisite. I just love how the artists created the illusion of two layers - cloth and skin out of a solid piece of rock. Game night!!! my family did game night until my parents got too old. My music buddy of over 40 years gets together with me regularly to play board games. I love so many of the games that have come out in the past 20 years - Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Small World, Splendor, etc.

  3. That is very cool you've been able to go to the Louvre multiple times, I hope to go myself one day. I love sculptures like the The Veiled Virgin where the artist was able to create such a softness out of a unyielding material like stone.


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